radio/////PONIIA #2


So we've all been suddenly launched into this space where we're trying to achieve everything socially and publicly through the internet and that comes along with some god-damned technical challenges. And we had some god-damned technical challenges this week! Starting with the fact that I FORGOT TO HIT RECORD for the first 10 minutes of the show (really more of an old-school god-damned technical challenge). So I missed the pre-show music from our lobby curator du jour d-j soliday and approximately the first 5 minutes of the opening duo. But you still get the best of the best of the rest that's pretty freaking great.

A fantastic group of 4 this week with Sharkiface from Oakland, Marlo Eggplant from all over but currently in LA, Bill Hsu from San Francisco, and Peter J Woods from Milwaukee. The opening duo of Sharki+Marlo hits it's stride a few minutes in and does not relent with it's thump and gloom. Seriously potent.

Bill + Peter brought a more angular approach at first, but also settled into a seriously witchy brew.

A funny side-note about these sessions and in particular a glance into "backstage" right before Bill + Peter's set:

Like I mentioned last week, we are using Ninjam to interface with each other in realtime. Ninjam has a unique way of dealing with internet latency in that it makes the latency much longer and sorta predictable by setting a master tempo and sending a metronome to everyone and then putting everyone a "measure" behind what they are hearing and playing to. Mostly, so far, we have been ignoring the metronome and just playing and it works out just fine and natural. It makes for an interesting mix of honest listening and responding with a bit of the unknown as to how it actually lines up in the end. There is also a simple chat interface that we all use to privately chat during the show -- sorta like backstage. So, backstage, like 30 seconds before Peter and Bill's set, Bill asks Peter something along the lines of "so do we want to coordinate with some count on the metronome?" and Peter responds with "anything is cool with me, but if i do something dramatic it will always be on the 3. you'll have to figure out what 3 though." And then they started. And killed it.

The 4tet was maybe my favorite portion of the night. Really great mix of all 4 and with everyone's technical hiccups out of the way, folks really got a chance to relax and dig in. Big smiles all around (i imagine).

Sharkiface <+> Marlo Eggplant 0:0:00 - 0:26:00
interlude 1 (d-j soliday) 0:26:04 - 0:37:00
Bill Hsu <+> Peter J Woods 0:37:05 - 1:00:33
interlude 2 (d-j soliday) 1:00:35 - 1:10:19
PONIIA 4tet 1:10:20 - 1:33:21
post-show music (d-j soliday) 1:33:22 - 1:47:03

stay safe and don't forget to brush yr cat!

total running time 1hr47min


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