radio///Sharkiface 03.13.07

A night of Wine and Tamales (and more wine and beer and liquor and bean burritos.oh dear.) The Sharkilady set up drone machines and sparkle drifters which she casually lays into and out of while mixing in music from Bran(...)tism, Replicock, Pigs in the Ground, Tarantism, Loachfillet, Stin-G Cash, The Dicks, Culturcide, Scratch Acid, as well as several unreleased Sharki recordings. The Tarantism cover of Margaritaville is pure retarded joy and Stin-G's Cash-in-a-box is a square meal of nose drippings to feast on. Occasionally, the insane yammering of a flock of peagulls joins the bin, and ms. Yoshimi steals the show with a yowling lead vocal onslaught while a gaggle of dopey humans provide backup trio. The show moves sharply down your brow starting high and ending way way low. huge fun. 2hr2min. 112mb

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