radio///POREST 04.09.18

Porest presents...

Mark Gergis last visited soundcrack around 9 years ago and created one of my favorite hours of nonlinear performative noise-radio. If you found your way to reading this, you can figure out where to download that. After growing up and spending much of his adult/creative life in the Bay Area, Mark left the U.S. during the "Obama regime", spent several years in Vietnam and Malaysia, and is currently a nomadic nowhere/nobody and finds himself living in the UK. During a recent visit back home in the Bay, I was able to convince Mark to make a quick trip to the studio for a session. We were both incredibly busy the whole time he was here, and so I didn't expect him to craft anything as elaborate as his previous show. I was totally blown away when he showed up April 9 with a script and brand new material as well as a handful of Porest favorites (including a live performance of "The Porest Trap"), and some h0tshite selections from his incredible international archive of musiques and towelettes. Mark has radio in his DNA--he takes to and from the medium especially well, so be excited for a new POREST radio hour! Smoke 'em if you got 'em and enjoy.

here more Porest hear
find Mark Gergis' many contributions to the Sublime Frequencies label hear
read an in-depth interview with Mark from 2016


01. Intro / Happiness Level
02. New Syrian Construct
03. Straight to the Gate
04. Bintanom
05. Hand Crafted Raft
06 DL :( :(
07 The Porest Trap (live in studio)
08 The Requirements of the Revolution in the New Context
09 Parallel Broadcast / VOP ID’s
10 Resolution Now!
11. Wavelength SEA Radio 0
13. FBI of Tarsus
14. Nullified
15. Indonesian Radio Song
16. Wavelength SEA Radio 1
17. Syrian Cassette Tape: 1998
18. Wavelength SEA Radio 2
19. I Am The Moon – Jerry Blue/Peter Valsamis/Porest
20. Black Sea Radio 2000
21. Margaret’s Son’s Birthday
22. A/u/R/e/v/o/i/r/s/o/f/b/l/o/o/d (live in studio w/ Jake Rodriguez)
23. Por que te vas – Los Siquicos Litoraleños
24. Poroto Mung - Hodydaa (Hoyda)
25. Back Announce w/ Khmer 1988 VHS sound



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