radio///DJ DOORKEY 07.05.07

doorkey leads us outside and up to a typically chilly san francisco rooftop summer evening. the fog rolling in from behind and encircling us like wolves with remnants of post-july4 fireworks detritus periodically launching into view proves to be the perfect setting for this very engaging well-paced variety-musique set. the first outdoor soundcrack broadcast! went mostly without a technical hitch. got a 15 min late start due to figuring, but made up for it at the butt end which convulsively diarreahs out a stream of corn-laced liquid gold in the form of strung-together samples from the resipiscent catalog. did i mention the moon rises blood red during this?? what a night. 132mb 2hr23min

==rooftwop entro==

Duggie Ward - Welcome To My Mind
Agata - Spike - Bone Puzzle
Emil Richards - Sardonyx (August) hal blaine w emil richards
The Machine Gun TV - About Her
Mephista – Beloukia
Loachfillet - Porum Landing
Los Negritos - Es Hora De Bailar
Igor Wakevitch - Hathor
The Golden Barrel Organ - Track 16
Hans Grusel's Krankenkabinet - Happy As Pitch - Moog System 15 - Varriation 2
Le Flange du Mal - Weather War
Raymond Scott – Domino Raymond
Raymond Scott – Awake
Eerie intermission - Angels of Life in a Psychic Wasteland comp
Z-Rock Hawaii - Chuggin' ween eye
Arrigo Barnabé - Tubarões Voadores
Pyrolator - it always rains in wuppertal
The Art Bears - Rats and Monkeys
Occassional Detroit - Live at the I.N.C. in Miami Track04
Tarantism – String of Artifacts - Love Song of the Hymenoptera
The First Theremin Era - The Barnabas Theme From "Dark Shadows"
Bernie Green & Henry Morgan - Morgan On The Mikado
Otomo yoshihide w c.marclay 01 - Sliced and Diced

==rooftwop break==

Sun Ra - Journey to the Stars Beyond
Doorkey intro – India, Jaisalmer fieldrec at Tahr desert
Mieskuoro Huutajat - Herää Suomi
Lalith Mendes - lanka babu
Secret Chiefs 3 - Lapis Exillis Secret Chiefs 3
Tarlose in Tanzania - track 5 Tarloes in Tanzania
Five Jones Boys - Mr. Ghost Goes To Town 09_-_Five_Jones_Boys_-_Mr_Ghost_Goes_To_Town
Compiled by Brendan Kearney, M - [The Pope Joke] one-of-one saphire needle recordings
Butthole Surfers - 04-go to hell and die
Scissor Girls – Towers Scissor Girls
Blitzoids - Left or Right
Brown Whornet - brown whornet val-u pak cassette (counting excerpt)
Henry Jacobs - emergency use only
Hans Reichl - Shanghaied
Meerk Puffy - MErgncy Hive
Renaldo And The Loaf - Extracting The Re-Re (A Ritual)
Robert Normandeau renard et rose excerpt
Robert Normandeau - Clair de Terre - Montage rhythm
Otto Von Schirach - Yellow Staircase
Replicock - Track01 Replicock - bloody fig EP - track1

==rooftwop break==

successive resip sample medleying to moonset


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