radio///Whis-khee Berber 06.07.07

Music collected during our visit to Morocco August/September '06. Here’s 2+ hours of Moroccan and Arabic music culled from radio recordings, bootleg CDs & VCDs, and live performances/field recordings. Quality ranges from excellent studio CD rips to barely listen-able AM radio broadcast. Light yourself on fire and jump into the middle of psychedelic Moroccan wedding dance, Berber folk from Agadir, Gnawa and other trance-enduction from southern Morocco, Classic Arabic radio, drummers in Ait-Benhaddou, raging cacophony in Jama' al-Fna, and more. Have more info on this music? I don't!! In particular, let me know if you recognize some of the GREAT classic Arabic tunes--I can only assume some/all of these are Lebanese or Egyptian as they are mostly pulled from AM radio during sleepless nights in Marrakech. Our 19-year-old desert guide told me “There is no Berber people. Only Arabic.” So maybe this is all Arabic music. Or African. Or, more specifically, North African. Or maybe he said Imazighen (my memory is that he didn't speak any English, and we didn't speak any French or Arabic, so who knows...) Well, except that Ziad Rahbani is definitely Lebanese—ah fuggit, just brew up some strong mint tea, turn out the lights, and listen. J.R.
2hr08min 141mb

Photo embedded in file taken in Marrakech by A.Lucci.

Title: Recorded Live in Jama' al-Fna
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Disco Vision Moroccan VCD
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Drummers of Ait-Benhaddou
Artist: Various
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Wislane Vision VCD
Artist: Mustapha Oumguil
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Recorded Live in Jama' al-Fna
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Music Berbere Agadir - Track 3
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Sidi Mimoun
Artist: Tyour Gnawa w/Abdessalam Alikane
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: 3=2+1
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: AM radio Ait-Benhaddou
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: AM radio Marrakech (see Ziad Rahbani tune later)
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: AM radio Marrakech
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: AM radio Marrakech
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: AM radio Marrakech
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: AM radio Marrakech
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: AM radio Marrakech
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Bil Afrah
Artist: Ziad Rahbani
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Recorded Live in Jama' al-Fna
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Recorded Live in Jama' al-Fna
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Bouchta Vision VCD
Artist: Mohamed El Houat
Album: Whis-Khee Berber

Title: Recorded Live in Jama' al-Fna
Artist: ???
Album: Whis-Khee Berber


skullcaster said…
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skullcaster said…
sub dub posted this but who is it???

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