
Showing posts from October, 2008 radio///CASSIOPEIA BUFFING ZONE #2 10.07.08

(btwn here and Andromeda Nebula) with soldering bicarbonate wheal turbine audio cassette measuring devices, broadcast live on ..with host Deep Sea Fishing in Odin's Pi Socket. A huge pile of cassettes, new and oldold: Check big chunk of pre-Sublime Frequencies Alan Bishop travelogue about midway in--also some really strange found tapes sputter this turdwick. Excellent, unheard of material buried in a medium that dissolves. No tapes eaten. 2hr4min 114mb Title: Wonderful Summer Artist: Robin Ward Title: Fox on the Box - Village People Artist: Cock E.S.P. Title: Alien Moxy Mask Artist: UBZUB Title: Recorded January '07 Artist: Blue Sabbath Black Cheer Title: Scat Credit Sports Caster Artist: Ugly Dwarf Title: ???? Artist: Cambodian Garage Music Title: The Raider Artist: Spine Scavenger Title: The Walls Are Bleeding Artist: Jarboe Title: Tape 11 Artist: Voice of Pakistan Title: Into the Blonde Kodak Artist: Cancer Bunny Title: Op.32 "When the Cerebellum Unfold...